Teaching for higher levels of thinking: Developing quantitative and analytical skills in environmental science courses
Date Issued
01 April 2016
Access level
open access
Resource Type
journal article
Porzecanski A.
Sterling E.
Bynum N.
Cawthorn M.
Fernandez D.S.
Freeman L.
Ketcham S.
Leslie T.
Mull J.
Vogler D.
American Museum of Natural History
Ecological Society of America
Professionals with strong quantitative and analytical skills are essential to understanding and responding to current environmental challenges. The goal of this study was to promote and evaluate the development of data analysis (DA) skills in undergraduate students through targeted interventions in environmental science courses. We developed materials to promote practice, instruction, and assessment of four core DA dimensions: the ability to make appropriate calculations, convert data to graphical representations, interpret graphical or mathematical information, and draw conclusions based on the analysis of data. We integrated two conservation exercises as pre/post assessment tools, flanking differentiated teaching interventions, into selected science courses and used a standardized rubric to measure students' performance level. We found that students improved their DA skills in a single semester, but the level of improvement varied across skill dimensions. Students struggled with dimensions that require higher levels of thinking such as data interpretation and drawing conclusions. The use of additional exercises targeting these dimensions and alternative practices might enhance gains. Importantly, students also gained content knowledge in ecological principles while developing skills, and demonstrated an increase in self-confidence with their DA skills. Our approach and open-access materials can be integrated into existing courses to develop and assess data skills in undergraduate learners.
OCDE Knowledge area
Ciencias de la educación
Scopus EID
ISSN of the container
This project would not have been possible without the data collection efforts, dedication, and contributions made by the project's faculty participants, particularly those of the Critical Thinking and Oral Communication working groups. We also extend our gratitude to T. Theodose for collecting and contributing data, to G. Bowser, A. Gomez, S. Hoskins, K. Landrigan, D. Roon, and J. Singleton for their contributions to the initial design of the instructional materials, and to J. Gibbs for contributing the original exercises. This project is supported by the National Science Foundation CCLI/TUES Program (DUE-0942789). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect NSF views.
Sources of information: Directorio de Producción Científica Scopus