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Learn more about #PeruCRIS

#PeruCRIS is the name of the Concytec project, which seeks to establish, develop and operate the National Information Network on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), in order to consolidate and manage scientific and academic information from all over Peru, generate statistics to support decision-making at institutional, regional, sectoral and national levels, as well as to make globally visible the activities, capabilities and scientific production of Peruvian researchers.

#PeruCRIS is the name of the Concytec project, which seeks to establish, develop and operate the National Information Network on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), in order to consolidate and manage scientific and academic information from all over Peru, generate statistics to support decision-making at institutional, regional, sectoral and national levels, as well as to make globally visible the activities, capabilities and scientific production of Peruvian researchers.