Calculated and experimental response of calcium silicate polycrystalline to high and very-high neutron doses
Date Issued
01 July 2020
Access level
metadata only access
Resource Type
journal article
Watanabe S.
Cavalieri T.A.
Rao T.K.G.
Chubaci J.F.D.
Carmo L.S.
Bueno C.C.
Universidad de Sao Paulo
Universidad Federal de Sao Paulo
Elsevier Ltd
In the scope to the discovery of new detectors for high and very-high gamma and neutron radiation dose (mGy-MGy), synthetic polycrystals of CaSiO3 have been produced by the devitrification method in our laboratory. CaSiO3 polycrystals were irradiated with thermal, epithermal and a small fraction of fast neutrons. In the position of irradiation, the thermal neutron flux is about 83% of the total neutron flux and the thermal neutron fluences range from 5.82 × 1013 to 2.97 × 1016 n/cm2. This thermal neutron reacts with Ca, Si and O through (n,γ) process, all or part of the gamma emitted in this reaction is absorbed by the sample and is responsible for the induction of thermoluminescence (TL). The total energy emitted by the (n,γ) reaction was calculated analytically. Furthermore, Monte Carlo simulations using MCNP5 radiation transport code was carried out to calculate the deposited dose on CaSiO3 by the neutron interaction finding doses ranging from 42 Gy to 21 kGy. CaSiO3 TL glow curves, after radiation exposure from the reactor, display the main prominent TL peak around 234–259 °C and when exposed to gamma radiation (Co-60) it shows the main TL peak around same 234–272 °C.
OCDE Knowledge area
Electroquímica Química orgánica
Scopus EID
Radiation Physics and Chemistry
ISSN of the container
The authors wish to thank Ms. E. Somessari and Mr. Aldo Oliveira from the Institute for Energy and Nuclear Researches (IPEN), Brazil, and Dr. H. Khoury from the Nuclear Energy Department of the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, for kindly carrying out the irradiation of the samples. To Dr. M.F. Koskinas and Dr. M.S. Dias, both from IPEN, for helpful discussions on the neutron activation method and the measurements of the neutron fluxes in the IEA-R1 reactor. This work was carried out with partial financial support from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP, Brazil (Process number 2014/03085-0 ). To Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico - CNPq, Brazil , for fellowship to C.D. Gonzales-Lorenzo (Process number 162741/2015-4 ).
Sources of information: Directorio de Producción Científica Scopus