Explosion of power capacitors in a change of transformers with reactive power compensation
Date Issued
Access level
metadata only access
Resource Type
journal article
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa
Elsevier Ltd
In industrial activities, the load increase with a more production requirements and overloading, however, in some case the power transformer requires to change for a failure or a contingency stage. In this case, a real engineering failure analysis is done for the shunt capacitors explosion in an industrial facility. A new methodology is proposed for the Engineering failure Analysis for capacitors explosions with overloading power transformers condition, the individual and system assessment with an international standard review is developed for a better understanding in the solution proposal. With this new methodology the following Standards should be updated: IEC 60931, IEC 60871, IEC 60110, IEC 60143, IEC 60252, IEC 60358, IEC 61017, IEC 61048 and IEC 61049. The degradation analysis for the power transformer are considered too with the following international standards analysis: Laboratec, Duval, ABNT IEC 60599, IEEE Rogers, IEC 60599 and CIGRE CS 15. A new recommendation for an international standard is proposed, for the critical scenario, contingency stage and finally the solution with the methodology in a real case study in a Gold mining located in Colombia.
OCDE Knowledge area
Ingeniería eléctrica, Ingeniería electrónica
Scopus EID
Engineering Failure Analysis
ISSN of the container
Sources of information: Directorio de Producción Científica Scopus