Comparison of two behavior management techniques used during mandibular block anesthesia among preschool children: a randomized clinical trial
Date Issued
01 October 2021
Access level
metadata only access
Resource Type
journal article
Abanto J.
Leyda A.M.
Berti G.O.
Aillón I.E.V.
Corrêa M.S.N.P.
Bönecker M.
Springer Nature
Purpose: To compare the Tell-Show-Do Technique (TSD-T) with Hiding Dental-Needle Technique (HDN-T) based on children’s anxiety, pain, and behavior during first-time mandibular block anesthesia. Methods: A total of 52 children aged 3–5 years who had never received dental anesthesia and had at least one mandibular primary molar requiring extraction or pulpal therapy were included in the study. Children were randomly allocated into two groups: G1: TSD-T (n = 26) and G2: HDN-T (n = 26). This study included two sessions: intervention session (baseline) and control session (7 days after intervention). Facial Image Scale and Wong–Baker Pain Scale were used to evaluate anxiety and pain levels, respectively. Frankl Behavior Scale was used to assess children’s behavior. Results: Anxiety and pain levels were not statistically significant between G1 and G2 groups (p > 0.05). Similar results were observed for children’s behavior rating (p > 0.05). Higher pain level was associated with younger children (rate ratios (RR) = 0.41; p = 0.016) and negative behavior (RR = 1.11; p < 0.001). On the other hand, in within-groups comparisons, there was a statistical difference in anxiety levels between intervention session and control session (p = 0.032) in G2. Conclusions: Even though there are no differences in the efficacy of TSD-T compared to HDN-T during first-time mandibular block anesthesia in preschool children in terms of children’s anxiety, pain, and behavior, children from the HDN-T group can show reduced dental anxiety levels in the control sessions.
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OCDE Knowledge area
Pediatría Anestesiología
Scopus EID
PubMed ID
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry
ISSN of the container
This study was funded by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq—processo 141118/2013-0).
Sources of information: Directorio de Producción Científica Scopus