A 4-week ciinical comparison of an oscillating-rotating power brush versus a marketed sonic brush in reducing dental plaque
Date Issued
01 January 2014
Access level
metadata only access
Resource Type
journal article
Büchel B.
Reise M.
Klukowska M.
Grender J.
Timm H.
Sigusch B.W.
Procter and Gamble Health Care Research Center
Mosher and Linder, Inc
To assess the plaque removal efficacy of an oscillating-rotating power brush relative to a newly- introduced sonic power brush. Methods: This study used a randomized, examiner-blind, single-center, two-treatment, parallel group 4-week design. Subjects with pre-existing plaque scores of at least 1.75 on the Turesky Modification of the Quigley-Hein Plaque Index (TMQHPI) were evaluated for baseline whole mouth and approximal plaque scores. They received either the oscillating-rotating brush (Oral-B Professional Care 1000, sold as Oral-B Professional Care 600 in some regions, with the Oral-B Precision Clean brush head, D16u/EB2O) or the sonic brush (Colgate ProClinical C200 with Colgate Triple Clean brush head) and brushed twice-daily with the assigned brush and a standard fluoride dentifrice for 4 weeks before returning for plaque measurements. Prior to baseline and the Week 4 measurements, participants abstained from oral hygiene for 12 hours and from eating, chewing gum and drinking for 4 hours. Results: A total of 131 subjects were enrolled in the study at baseline, with all completing the study: 65 in the oscillating-rotating group, and 66 in the sonic group. Both brushes significantly reduced plaque over the 4-week study period. The oscillating-rotating brush was statistically significantly more effective in reducing plaque (P< 0.001) than the sonic brush. Compared to the sonic power brush, the adjusted mean plaque reduction scores for the oscillating-rotating power brush were more than five times greater for whole mouth and approximal areas.
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OCDE Knowledge area
Odontología, Cirugía oral, Medicina oral Ingeniería eléctrica, Ingeniería electrónica
Scopus EID
PubMed ID
American Journal of Dentistry
ISSN of the container
Sources of information: Directorio de Producción Científica Scopus